Jŵg blodau Mam / blodau Nain/Mamgu - Welsh Mam’s flowers jug. 450ml capacity.

Jŵg blodau Mam / blodau Nain/Mamgu - Welsh Mam’s flowers jug. 450ml capacity.


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🌸 Jŵg gwyn efo dyluniad ‘Blodau Mam (neu Blodau Mamgu neu Nain) wedi swblimeiddio arno/

White porcelain jug with a Welsh themed Mam’s flowers design sublimated onto it.

*Delfrydol fel Anrheg Sul y Mamau / Ideal Mother’s Day gift.

🌸Dewis o ddau dyluniad / choice of 3 designs

450ml capacity

*Image is sublimated onto the jug, therefore Is a permanent image that can withstand dishwasher use.

Reviews (4)


Brilliant service posted quickly for a last minute gift. Diolch!

Lovely product! Bit small but I love it 🥰 perfect little gift.

i bought this as a christmas present this year and in all honesty i was a bit nervous for how it was going to be delivered if it would be broken. but this is an amazing gift or even just a thing to buy yourself. it is beautiful and came packed amazingly x

Great quality, and will make a lovely gift for nain!